1.Can we insert sub record into another subrecord?
Ans:Yes,we can insert a Sub-record into another Sub-record.When a Sub-record definition is opened goto Insert and Sub-record.

2.Difference between Save Prechange & Save Postchange?
Ans: In Save Prechange we can get the data from Component Buffer for that particular Component where as in SavePost change Component Buffer is cleared we have to get data from Database and this is used to update values outside the database.

3.What is naming convention of SQR program?
Ans:The program must End with ‘.SQR’ extension and the length of name must be <=8 characters.4.Can we run SQR program through a push button from a page?Ans: Yes we can run using properties of Push Button. That are Specifying Destination = ProcessProcess Type = SQR Report andName = SQR report name.5.Order of Execution of Deferred processing?Ans: This is similar to Interactive Processing where as in this Field Change, Field Edit Peoplecode events & System edits will be differed until we press the Save Button.6.What are Data Buffer Classes in Peoplesoft?Ans: There are totally 4 Data Buffer Classes in Peoplesoft. They are1.Row Class 2.Rowset Class 3.Field Class 4.Record Class.7.Define Signon Process?8.What are Different Functions in PeopleCode?Ans: There Are Totally 4 types of Functions in Peoplecode. They are1.Builtin Functions 2.Internal Peoplecode Functions3.External Peoplecode Functions & 4.External Non-Peoplecode functions9.Does Save Edit & Save Prechange Are in Component Level or Comp[onent Record Level?Ans: These are available in Component Level.10.What are Heading And Footing SQC’s?Ans: These SQC’s are useful for Heading & Footing Sections of an Report. One of the important Footing SQC is ‘RESET.SQC’ . Some of Heading SQC’s are some “PATxxHDG.SQC’.11.What is Application Messaging?Ans: This is mainly used to publish or subscribe Messages to other Systems . This is kind of communication as per my knowledge.12.Where and when do we use SQR?Ans: 1.Where the Programing logic is more.2.If We need to Generate different kinds of reports.3.Background SQL processing.4.File Interfacing. Etc…13.People Code Event sequence ExecutionAns: 1.Search Init 2.Search Save 3.Row Select 4.Prebuild 5.Field Default 6.Field Formula7.Row Init 8.Postbuild 9.Activate 10.Field Edit11.Field Change12.Row Insert13.Row Delete14.Save Edit15.SavePrechange16.Work Flow17.SavePostchange14.Steps for Running SQR in PeopleSoft Environment?Ans: There are mailnly 3 steps for running SQR in PeopleSoft Environment.1. Making our SQR program API aware.2. Creating Run Control Table and Run Control Page (Using PRCSRUNCNTL_SBP subpage).3. Scheduling our program in Process Scheduler. (PATH: Peopletools -> Process Scheduler -> Processes).

15.How to change the prompt table Dynamically?
Ans: Using PeopleCode function “%Edit Table”.

16. How do you perform People Code Debugging?
Ans:1.First we have to set the Debugger mode by selecting “Enter Debugger Mode” in “Debugg” menu in the ApplicationDesigner.
2.Next we have find which variables we need to Debugg,this we can do by selecting local,component or Global variables from the “Debugg ” menu.
3.Next we have to set the BreakPoints using “Toggle Break at Cursor” or “Break Point at Start” from the menu items of the “Debug” menu

17.How do you conect to Client Database?
Ans: Using VPN (Virtual Protocol Network) Protocol. In our company we use ‘Cytrix’ or ‘Terminal Software’ Softwares.

18. What is PS Enterprize Portal?

19.What is Effective Date?
Ans: This is an important Concept for an ERP using this we can enter more than one values to row for the same key fields depending on date. Here we can maintain History, Current & future rows. We can also maintain more number of rows for same effective date using Effective Sequence. This concept is minly used in most of the Control Tables.

Ans: These are two high level key fields for Control tables & Transaction Tables respectively. These fields play a vital role in Peoplesioft.

21.How to build customer indexes?
Ans; By using Key fields & Alternate search key we can create system indexes. Where as we can create User defined indexes using App. Designer. Path is: In menus Tools -> Data Administration -> create indexes.

22.What are types of instances in which you are working?
Ans: In our company we have Development & Tesing Instances of databases. I worked on Development Instance.

23.How do you interact with client and how do you deliver output to client?

24.Current Version working?
Ans; I am presently working on Tools 8.42 & HRMS Application 8.8 .

25 Purpose of Upgrade Tab?
Ans: This is mainly used for version upgradation.

26.How do you send project to client and How do you test the project?

27.How to Debug AE program and Ways of running AE Program?

28.Which Server do you use & What are the views purposes and different between Search Views & Fast Views?

29.How do you solve Bugs?
Ans: Using Debugging Techniques and Messaging in that particular area.

30.Difference between Query Views & Dynamic Views?
Ans: 1.Query Views are designed using Query Manager Tool where as we write SQL in Dynamic Views.
2.Query View is Built and Exists in the Database where as Dynamic View can’t be build so it doesnot exists in Database.

31.How work will be assigned in Production Envoronment?
Ans: Actually I don’t know because I am in Development Environment.

32.How do you assign Search Record to Component?
Ans: By going to the component properties , Use Tab and Specifying the search record in that particular area ie; ‘Add Search Record’ Property.

33.How do you move data from legacy system to Peoplesoft?
Ans: We can use some Integration Tools such as Component Interface, File Layout & Integration Broker and alse using Flat files in SQR. We have some specific commands in Flat files handking in SQR such as OPEN, CLOSE, FOR WRITING, FOR READNG & FOR APPENDING, WRITE and Finally READ commands.

34. Interaction with client?

35. What is your Team size?

36.Say about your team?

37.What is your Role in the Current Project?

38.How will be the interaction with the Team Leader?

39.How do you open a file?
Ans: In SQR the Syntax is OPEN ‘filepath’ AS number FOR READING/FOR-WRITING/FOR-APPENDING…

40.Can we use multiple printers in SQR?
Ans: Yes we can use. In SETUP section By Defining printers what we need . we have some SQC’s.

41.What are the variables used in peoplecode?
Ans: System Variables, User Defined Variables. & Derived Work record Fields

42.How can we Know whether we are in a particular mode?
Ans: Using ‘%Mode’ Built in function.

43.How to Execute App.Engine Program?

44.What are Record Types?
Ans: There are totally 7 Record Types. They are
1.SQL Table. 5.Query View
2.SQL View 6.Subrecord
3.Derived/work Record 7.Temporary Table.
4.Dynamic View

45.Difference between Interface, Report & Process?
Ans: Interface: This is used to interact with other system may be PS or Legacy Syatem
Report: This has an user interaction to execute or generate.
Process: This is Scheduled in Batch Server so ther is no need for the user to especially run it. It Automatically Executes.

46.What is State Record?
Ans: These are Used in Application Engine Programs to pass values between Actions & Sections.

47.How many actions are there in App. Engine?
Ans: There are Totally 9 Actions. They are
1.Do When 4.Do Select 7.SQL
2.Do While 5.People Code 8.Log Messages
3.Do Untill 6.Call Section 9.XLAT

48.Difference between Do Select & Do When?
Ans: Do Select is like FOR Loop in C. How many rows it retrives that many times it performs the Do When & SQl actions below it. Where as Do When is like a condition operator such as IF statement in C.

49.Pupose of App. Engine?
Ans: 1.Backgroung SQL processing.
2.To pass data between Modules.
3.To pass data between Databases.
4.To populate Reporting tables using data in Transaction Tables.
5.For integration purpose.
6.Validation of data
7.Data Manipulations.
8.For Version Up gradation.
9.Archive Data .Etc….

50.Performance Tuning in SQR?
2.Using ARRAYS.
3.Multiple Reports.
4.Using –S & -Bnn.
5.Using SQT file.
6.Running on Batch Server.
7.Using Proper programming logic in sQR such as BREAK statement in Evaluate.
8.Using proper SQL Statements.

51.File types in SQR?
Ans:1. “.SQR”=This is nothing but the SQR source file.
2. “.SQC”=This is a used as functional Libraries.
3. “.Lis”=This is Line Printer Output file.
4. “.SPF”=This is a Portable format file.
5. “.SQT”=This is Complied time file.
6. “.INI”=These files are used to set the default Environment for our SQR Report.
7. “.MAX”=These are used to increase the memory size.
8. “.ERR,.LOG,.DAT”=These are used for Error Handling purpose.

52.List Out some CommandLine Flags in SQR?
Ans:-S,-A,-KEEP,-ZIV,-XMB,-ZMF,-E,-O,-Debug,-RS,-RT etc…

53.Purpose of the Arguments in the LOAD-LOOKUP?
Ans:To Create a Load-Lookup array as per requirement in the arguments.

54.Commands in the File-Handling?
Ans:1.Open for-Reading

55.Diff between ASK & INPUT Commands?
1.This is used in the Setup section i.e . Compile Time Variable.
2.This prompts for the values during the compilation time.
3.This does not have the datatype and length.

1.This can be used in other than the Setup section i.e. Run tTime Variable
2.This prompts for the values during the Execution Time.
3.Here,we can specify the datatype and the length.

56.Debugging in SQR?
Ans: Using Debugging commands we can do debugging in SQR.They are
1.Display(to display only one variable)
` 2.Show(to display more than one variable)
3.#IF Debug

57.Effdt and EffSeq Quries?
Ans:Select * from Table1 A where A.EffDt= (Select Max (B.EffDt) from Table1 B where A.keys B.keys AND A.EffDt<= as of Date)

Select * from Table1 A where A.EffDt= (Select Max (B.EffDt from Table1 B where A.keys B.keys AND A.EffDt<= as of Date AND B.EffSeq=(Select Max(C.EffSeq from Table1 C where B.keys=C.keys AND B.EffDt=C.EffDt AND B.EffSeq=C.EffSeq)

58What is SQC , List out some of them?
Ans: SQC is used as Functional Library mainly used to re-use code and get some predefined functionalities used for our SQR programs.

59.What is ProcessScheduler?
Ans: This is a Peopletool used to Schedule and monitor the Execution of any Process or Report or Program in Peoplesoft Environment.

62.What is Scroll Area ? How many can we keep on a Page?
Ans: Scroll Area is a Page Control which contains Child Records’-Fields which is used to maintain the Parent-Child Relationship between Tables. We can place any number of scroll areas on a page.

63.Duration of the Project?

64.What is DataMover?
Ans: DataMover is a Peopletool which is used to move Data between different DataBases.

65.Diff between Migration , Import and Export?

66.What are Upgrade Instances of Databases?.

67.To Whom you will Report ? Who Will give Specification to you?

68.Why you are Leaving Current Organization?

69.Where is the Location of the Current Organization?

70.Can we send SQR Output to Ms-Word or Crystal Reports?
Ans: Yes.

71.How do we refer Component Buffer in the Object-Based or Procedural-Based PeopleCode?
Ans:In Procedural Based Peoplecode by using scrollpath we can refer. In Object-Oriented Peoplecode by Instantiating Objects to Record , Row , Row Set ,Field we can refer the Component Buffer.

72.Limitaion of SQL Exec function in Peoplecode?
Ans:1.Used in only SavePrechange , WorkFlow , SavePostchange, and for DML commands and for Select statements used other Event types.
2.Results only one Single row of data.

73.What is the StateRecord?
Ans: State Record is used to pass values between Sections.

74.What are the Actions available in the AE Program?

75.How will you read Data from the CSV file or Excel file and Upload it into the Database using AE Progrm?
Ans: Using File Layout Integration Tool.

76.Why are SQC files used in SQR?

77.Which SQC is used to read Data from the Translate table?
Ans: ReadXlat.SQC

79.How will get the SystemDate in Oracle?

80.Effective Date Event in SQR?

81.What is a Sub-Query? Why it is used?

82.Why is Load-Lookup used in SQR?
Ans: Used to increase the performance mainly in the case of Master Detail Reports.

83.Why are Field Edit and Field Change Events Used?

84.Why is Save Edit Event Used?

85.Why is SQLExec function is used and how many rows you can retrive using it?
Ans:This is mainly used to Directly access the Database by-passing the ComponentBuffer.

86.What is a Sub-Page? Why it is used?
Ans:Sub-Page is a Page control which is mainly used to insert Sub-Records.

87.Why is Derived Work record used?
Ans:DerivedWork record is mainly used for the Online page calculations and also used as Functional Libraries in PeopleCode.

91.How will you delete the button [Add,Update/Display,Update/DisplayAll and Correction] from a Page on the Browser?
Ans:By going to the Internet tab of the Component properties in the App.Designer and disabling the checkboxes as per our requirements.

93.Diff between the User-Profiles,Roles and the Permission Lists?

94.What is the Diff between the Prompt Table and the Translate Table?

95.What is the Purpose of the State-Record?

96.What is the diff between the Local and the Component Variables in the PeopleCode?
Ans:Local variable scope is upto that particular program where as the Component variable scope is upto the particular Component.

97.What are the Steps in the Implementation?

98.What are the types of the Table Joins?
Ans:1.Self Join
2.Cartesian Join
5.Inner Join

99.How many Objects are there in the PeopleSoft 7.5, 8.1.2 & 8.4.2?

100.How many Events are there in the PeopleCode,When do they get Fired?

101.What is the Architecture of the PIA? What are its Components?

102. How will you read Data from the CSV file or Excel file and Upload it into the
Database using SQR?
Ans:Using File-Handling and Unstring Commands.

103.Why is On-Break used?
Ans:1.To reduce the Redundancy of Printing the data.
2.For Group-Footing and Group-Headings.

104.Why is the Process Definition in Process Scheduler used and What are the options available in it?

105.What are the Object Classes available in the PeopleCode?
Ans:1.Field Class 2.Row Class 3.Record Class
4.Rowset Class 5.File Class 6.Array Class
7.SQL Class 8.Page Class 9.AE Class
10.Application Class 11.Component Interface Class
12.Bussiness Interlink Class 13.Grid Class 14.Query Class
15.Java Class

107.Diff between Update/Display,UpdateAll and the Correction modes?

108.How will you display an Image in SQR?
Ans:Using Declare-Image Command.

109.Which Sql Commands can be used in the SQL-Paragraph?
Ans:Except Select command We can use DDL,DMLand DCL.

110.In which section Select Paragrarph Statement be used?
Ans:In the Setup,Program and the Procedure sections we can use the Select Paragraphs.

111.What is Effdt and the EffSeq?

112.SQR Debugging?

113.How will perform Error-Handling in SQR?
Ans:Using the command line flags –O,-L,-ZMF and –XMB
Using SQR commands ON-ERROR=Skip/Warn/Stop, ON-ERROR=Procedure_name

114.How are Multiple-Reports Generated in SQR?

115.What are the ways of Performance Tuning in PeopleCode?
Ans: Using Object-Oriented programming and Proper programming logic.

116.Why is ‘SETENV.SQC’ is used?
Ans: To set the default Environment for the SQR Report.

117.Why is Process Monitor used and in What is that Which Updates the Status of the Process Monitor?

118.What are the Key-Fields in the PS_JOB and the PS_EMPLOYMENT?

119.In Which record is the Status of the Employee Stored?
Ans: PS_JOB.

120.How will you draw a Line of Hyphens in SQR?
Ans: Using Fill argument in the Print Command.

121.When an incorrect value is entered in a Field and the Field turned Red then what is the action to be taken?
Ans: To Enter the Appropriate value which does not Violate the Field Edit & System Edits of that perticula Fields.

122.Can u Declare Multiple Heading sections in one SQR Program?
Ans: Yes, In Multiple Reports we can do that.

123.What are the Compile-Time Variables ? How to refer them?

124.What are the Run-Time Variables?

125.What is Dynamic Query Variable ? How to refer?

126.What is SQC ? Purpose of the ‘STDAPI.SQC’?
Ans: SQC is nothing but a Piece of REusabler code, just like a External function. STQAPI.sqc is used to make the SQR Program API aware.

127.What are the Debugging Commands in the SQR ?
Ans: -DEBUG xxx & #IF-DEBUG

128.What is Load-Lookup?In Which situation you use this Technique?
Ans: Load Look up is nothing but an Array, a temporary location for storing the data. This is used if we are retrieving data from more than one table.

129.What are the File-Manipulation Commands in the SQR?
Ans: Open, Close, Write & Read.

130.Is there any Limitations to Opening a File?
Ans:To Open a file we have to specify the mode of file, Path and the file must exists.

131.What are the Before and the After Procedures?How is the Execution Sequence?
Ans:Before Procedure Level Execution is from 1 to n Level and the
After Procedure Level Execution is from n to 1 level.

132.I want the Previous value of the On-Break ? Which is the Command Used?
Ans: ‘SAVE=Variable’

133.How to Identify the Document Variables?
Ans:By @.

134.What is the SPF File?What are the Flags required to make a file to SPF?
Ans:SPF is a PortableFormatFile and the command line flag used is –KEEP.

135.How to refer a Global Variables in the Local Procedures?
Ans.By prefixing the “_” underscore for the Variablename.

136.How the Output variables denote in the Local Procedures?

137.What is –Bnn,--Tnn,--RS & --Rt Flags?
Ans: --Bnn for specifying default number rows to retrive from the database.
--Tnn used for Testing Which specifies the number of pages we want to test.
--RS is used to create an .SQT file.
--RT is used to run .SQT file.

139.What is Debug Command Line Flag?
Ans: -DEBUGxx.

140.How to Place and Appropiate Logo in SQR?
Ans: Using ‘Declare Image’ Command.

141.Diff between SavePreChange and the SavePostChange?

142.How to get the Most Current EffDt Row and the EffSeq Row?
Ans: select * from PS_ACTUAL_TBL A
Where A.EFFDT = ( select max(B.EFFDT) from PS_ACTUAL_TBL b
Where A.KEY1 = B.KEY1 ….(Upt o all Keys Above EFFDT field) and B.EFFDT <= sysdate)
Where A.KEY1 = C.KEY1 ….(Upt o all Keys Above EFFDT field including EFFDT))

143.When the Work-Flow Events fires?
Ans: After the successful Execution of the SavePrechange.

144.What are the DataBuffer Classes?
Ans: 1.Field Class
2.Record Class.
3.Row Class.
4.Rowset Class.

145.How to refer a SecondLevel Field value?

146.What is the Component Buffer?
Ans: Tempory memory area to Store data related to ‘Current Active Component’.

147.Can you write Error-Messaging in the FieldChange event?

148.What is the FieldFormula and the FieldDefault events?

149.What is the MessageGetFunction?What is the diff between MessageGet and the
MessageGetText functions?
150.What are the Meta-Sql Commands?

151.How many SQR’s you modified Explain?

152.Why do we use SQR ? Explain them?
Ans: 1.Where ever Programming Logic is more.
2.For BackGroung SQL Processing.
3.For Interfacing.
4.Mainly it is a Powerful Reporting Tool.

153.What is the diff between Including the SQC’s at the Page-Header and the Page- Footer?

154.How can we use DML and the DDL Commands in the SQR?
Ans: Directly writing those commands in ‘Begin-SQL’ Paragraph.

155.How can you know the Status of the SQR Report?For that any SQC is needed or not?
Ans: We can Know by verifying in Process Monitor the SQC needed for it is ‘STDAPI.SQC’.

156.How can you Export or Import the Data in the Flat File to PSDatabase?
Ans: Using File Layout & Using File Handling Commands in SQR.
157.Diff between Load-Lookup and Arrays

158.Diff between ASK and the INPUT Command?

159.What is PIA?Explain each part?Functions of the AppServer?

160.Diff between Search-Record and the AddSearch-Record?

161.What are the events associated with the other events?
162.How can you define Global variables and impact of it ?

163.Diff types of Functions in the PeopleCode?
Ans: 1.Built in Functions
2.Internal People Code Functions.
3.External People Code Functions
4.External Non-Peoplecode Functions
1.Search Init
2.Search Save
3.Row Select
5.Field Default
6.Field Formula
7.Row Init
10.Field Edit
11.Field Change
12.Row Insert
13.Row Delete
14.Save Edit
16.Work Flow
Which of the following links are found in PeopleBook
Customer Connection, Process Scheduler, People Code Language Reference
Developer’s Portal, Query, Tree Manager
Query, Process Scheduler, Application Engine
None of the above
All of the above
Ans. e

Which of the following two servers used by Process scheduler to run a process
None of the above
All of the above

Which of the following data type accepts null value?
Long Char
None of the above
All of the above

Department Manager should approve the each Business activity before it goes to next step. How would u implement this in Work Flow?
None of the above
All of the above
Ans. b

A Business manager logged in to the system. He is not able to see the specific menu name in that. What would be the reason?
Permission is not granted
Setting has to be done in Configuration Manager.
Options has to be set in Application Designer
None of the above
All of the above

In which of the following code would be automatically generated when u drag the component? (multiple answers)
File Layout
Component Interface
Application Engine
None of the above
All of the above
Ans. a, c

What is the default format of SQR Reports?
None of the above
All of the above

Which of the following is applicable for UPG Convert?
Options like
a. Conversion of Data, consists of Cobol programs
b. Conversion of Data, consists of SQR programs
c. Data conversion consists of AE programs.
d. None of the above
e. All of the above

Criteria in PS Query refers which of the following in SQL
a. Where
b. Select
c. Insert
d. Commit
e. None of the above
f. All of the above
Ans. a

Where report would be processed?
a. Process Scheduler
b. Application Server
c. Client
d. Workstation
e. None of the above
f. All of the above
Ans. A

Which of the following would be stored in to the database? (Choose 3)
a. SQL Table
b. SQL View
c. Dynamic View
d. Derived Work/Record
e. Temporary Table
f. None of the above
g. All of the above
Ans. a

How many keys you can set for Dynamic View?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 0
f. None of the above
g. All of the above

Which of the following are the ways to execute AE Program? (choose 4)
a. Application Designer Run Button
b. Process Scheduler
c. People Code
d. SQR
e. Cobol
f. Bat File
g. None of the above
h. All of the above
Ans. a, b, c

Which is correct SQR Comment Syntax?
a. !
b. /* */
c. <* *>
d. Remark
e. None of the above
f. All of the above
Ans. a

Which is correct People Code comment Syntax (choose 2)
a. <* *>
b. /* */
c. Comments
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
Ans. a, b

People Soft Partner wants to know the implementation information. Where he can get it?
a. Partner Connection
b. Partner Alliance
c. People soft University
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
f. Customer Connection

U downloaded some patches. What are all the things that might come with those patches?
a. SQR
b. People Code
c. Upgrade template
d. Some other options
e. None of the above
f. All of the above
Ans. c

Entity Relationship diagram means?
a. Business process map
b. Work flow process
c. A flow chart that indicates each entity and its relationship
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
Ans. c

Which of the following is applicable for LDP? (Choose 2)
a. Central security
b. Streamline various people soft applications.
c. some other options
d. None of the above
e. All of the above

Regarding Deferred processing which of the following is correct?
a. u can easily find out the answer
b. None of the above
c. All of the above

Where the default style sheet should be stored if user wants it to reflect through out the portal?
a. Application Designer
b. Configuration manager
c. Configuration. properties
d. People Tools - Utilities - Options - Style Sheet
e. None of the above
f. All of the above

Where u would give the parameter values for Process to run?
a. Run control table
b. State record
c. Some other options
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
Ans. a

Simple SQL Select Question?

Simple SQL Delete Question?

Which is of the following are valid Variable scopes.
a. component , Record ,Global
b. Component, Local, Field
c. Local, Global, Component
d. None of the above
e. All of the above
Ans. e

PeopleSoft reserves ALL Win Help context numbers (in Utilities, PeopleTools Options) up to which number?
a. 10,000,000
b. 12,000,000
c. 14,000,000
d. 16,000,000
e. 18,000,000
f. None of the above
g. All of the above
Ans. a

You just finished customization work that involved the creation of many new objects. You must now migrate these objects from your development database (source) to a testing database (target) to conduct more elaborate testing. Referring to the above information, why would adding your objects to a Project streamline the migration to a new database?
a. Projects do not copy the actual objects, but only the Project Definition. You should still migrate the objects individually.
b. Projects automatically overwrite the same objects in the target database and, thus, reduce the need for consistency checks.
c. Migrating projects automatically produces a comparison report of the objects in the Project and those same objects in the target database.
d. Projects enable migration of individual objects only which ensures you do not overwrite objects in the target database unknowingly.
e. Projects provide the ability to migrate all objects at once or each object type individually.
Ans. e

PeopleSoft has its own naming convention for system and non-system (application) tables. In the list below, RECORDNAME refers to the name of any table or record. Referring to the above information, which one of the following identifies the naming convention PeopleSoft uses for system tables?
Ans. d

Your company obtained the newest Application Release of PeopleSoft, and you need to prepare for the upgrade. Upon reading the new Release Notes, you notice that changes were made to two COBOL modules (batch programs).

You need to decide how to compare the current versions of these COBOL programs with the versions delivered with the new PeopleSoft application release. Which would be the fastest method of comparing these different versions?
a. Find Object References.
b. Application Designer, Compare Batch Programs.
c. Application Designer, Upgrade View.
d. Use non-PeopleSoft comparison tools.
e. Application Designer, Tools, Upgrade, Compare & Report.

25. Which one of the following tree types is NOT supported in the PeopleSoft tree manager?
a. Node-Oriented trees
b. Query trees
c. Detail trees
d. Summary trees
e. Combination trees
f. None of the above
g. All of the above
Ans. E

26. Which of the following menu options allows you to modify the Last Process Instance Number used within the system?
a. Process Scheduler, Use, Job Definitions
b. Process Scheduler, Use, Process Servers
c. Process Scheduler, Use, Process System
d. Process Scheduler, Use, Administration
e. Process Scheduler, Use, Process Definitions
f. None of the above
Ans. e

27. Which one of the following PeopleCode debugging tools automatically converts values of any data type other than object into string values for viewing during debugging?
a. MsgGetText
b. MsgGet
c. MessageBox
d. WinMessage
e. ExpandBindVar
Ans. d

28. In which one of the following views would you see the fields, criteria, and other details associated with the current query?
a. Object view
b. Record view
c. Component view
d. Designer view
e. Query view
Ans. E

29. In which PeopleCode event does ALL data validation take place?
a. SavePostChange
b. FieldFormula
c. SavePreChange
d. FieldEdit
e. FieldChange
Ans. D

30. Which one of the following is NOT a valid PeopleSoft query type?
a. Message agent queries
b. Reporting queries
c. Role queries
d. Ad-hoc queries
e. View queries
Ans. A

31. The following is an entry from the application reviewer LOG File:
start Field=PERSONAL_DATA.EMPLID-RowInit Temps=1 Stack=4 Source=233
What does the Source=233 parameter in the above LOG file entry identify?
a. The statement being executed is line 233 of the PeopleCode program.
b. The number of references to the PERSONAL_DATA.EMPLID field
c. The log file line number 233
d. The value contained in the PERSONAL_DATA.EMPLID field
e. The length of the PeopleCode program
Ans. a

32. Which one of the following is the primary purpose of the application designer's SQL Alter function?
a. To update the database table to be in sync with the PeopleTools object definition of that table
b. To alter the definition of a PeopleTools object without affecting the actual object within the database
c. To drop and recreate a table that must be changed as the result of a customization
d. To modify a table that needs changes as part of a customization
e. To update the PeopleTools object definition to be in sync with the definition of that table in the database
Ans. A

33. Which one of the following PeopleSoft Objects CANNOT be locked by developers as part of Change Control Locking as displayed above?
a. Process Definitions
b. Business Process Maps
c. Panel Groups
d. Fields
e. Records
Ans. A

34. How do you define the names of the application servers being used to access PeopleSoft?
a. In Configuration Manager, under the Application Servers tab.
b. In Application Designer, under the Tools menu.
c. In Application Designer, using the Create New Object option.
d. In Security Administrator, under the Define Profiles option.
e. In the Application Servers parameters of the configuration file, PSAPPSRV.CFG.
Ans. A

35. PeopleSoft has its own naming convention for system and non-system (application) tables. In the list below, RECORDNAME refers to the name of any table or record. Referring to the above information, which one of the following identifies the naming convention PeopleSoft uses for non-system (application) tables?
Ans. B
36.PeopleSoft tracks object changes using a system table. Which PeopleTools System table is used to track object changes?
Ans. C

37. Suppose the CEO wants a list of the departments whose MINIMUM salary is greater than $100,000. Your manager asks you to determine the quickest method to deliver this data to the CEO. Since writing an SQR will take too much time, you decide to use PeopleSoft query. Referring to the above, what function would you use, in combination with the aggregate function "Minimum" to produce the result set required?
Ans. E

38. What is the minimum number of objects an object group can consist of?
a. 0
b. 1
c. 2
d. 3
e. 4
Ans. B

39. Where do you create the process security groups?
a. Application Designer
b. Process Scheduler
c. Define Business Rules, Define General Options
d. Security Administrator
e. Process System
Ans. D

40. What effect would making a change to the EMPLID field in the above project have?
a. No effect on the field itself, but only on the field's definition.
b. Changes would occur globally; meaning the field is changed everywhere else in the database.
c. Changes to the field cannot be made unless you rename the field.
d. Changes to the field do not take effect until you build or rebuild the entire project.
e. Changes to the field are only reflected within the current project.
Ans. D

41. Which security administrator profile provides the necessary IDs and passwords for the behind-the-scenes database logon that occurs when an operator signs on to PeopleSoft?
a. Class
b. Operator
c. Access
d. Tree
e. Object
Ans. C

42. You are asked to perform some security-related tasks. You determine the quickest method to do this is using the Data Mover utility and the GRANT_USER and ENCRYPT_PASSWORD commands. However, to perform these commands you must login to Data Mover in bootstrap mode. Referring to the above, how do you launch Data Mover in bootstrap mode?
a. Login using the SYSADM user ID and password.
b. Login using the database access ID and password.
c. Login using your regular user ID without a password.
d. Login using your regular user ID and password, and execute SET BOOTSTRAP.
e. Login using your regular user ID and password.
Ans. a, b
43. UPDATE PSLOCK SET SECURITY_OPTION = ''; what function does the above SQL statement perform?
a. Disables the PSLOCK security option for ALL users.
b. Enables the PSLOCK security option for the current user ONLY.
c. Suspends the PSLOCK security option for the current transaction.
d. Enables the PSLOCK security option.
e. Disables the PSLOCK security option for the current user ONLY.
Ans. A

44. &OPRID = %OperatorId; Where would the above PeopleCode event be found on a Run Control Record?
a. SearchInit
b. RowDelete
c. RowSelect
d. RowInsert
e. RowInit
Ans. a, e

45. The example below demonstrates the use of SQR flags in the configuration manager directories folder: -F C:\PSHrms\Sqr\ what do the above SQR flags signify to the SQR Report Writer upon execution?
a. Directs log messages to the specified file
b. Specifies the output path
c. Specifies the path to SQC include files
d. Specifies the path to the ALLMAXES.MAX file
e. Sets full path to and name of the SQR initialization file
Ans. B

46. What application server service initiates a COBOL program to run a transaction?
a. Jolt Internet relay
b. Remote call
c. Database agent
d. Jolt relay
e. Message agent
Ans. B

47. After going live with your new application, you realize that one of the values being used for computing Employee Leave Accruals is not correct. You've narrowed the problem down to a section of PeopleCode within the application. You now need to execute the process and display the values of the variables being used to determine where the problem is occurring. Referring to the above information, how would you display the in-question value of the LeaveRate variable contained in the PeopleCode?
a. WinMessage("The value is: ", &LeaveRate, 64);
b. WinMessage("The value is: ", ShowVar &LeaveRate, 64);
c. WinMessage("The value is: ", Show &LeaveRate, 64);
d. WinMessage("The value is: ", DisplayVar LeaveRate, 64);
e. WinMessage(DisplayText "The value is: ", DisplayVar LeaveRate, 64);
Ans. A

48. Which one of the following is NOT a standard enforced by Data Mover?
a. With the exception of double-dash (--) comment statements, statements may span multiple lines.
b. With the exception of double-dash (--) comment statements, every command statement must be followed by a delimiter.
c. Statement text is case-sensitive.
d. Command statements may contain any amount of white space between items.
e. You must add a space after the double-dash (--) before you start your comments.
Ans. C

49. Which one of the following files are NOT stored in the process scheduler logging directory?
a. Application server logs
b. COBOL trace logs
c. Process scheduler logs
d. Application engine trace logs
e. Process request logs
Ans. A

50. Which process requests will run through the process scheduler server?
a. All processes submitted on the server
b. All SQR and COBOL processes ONLY
c. All processes submitted on the client
d. Application related processes ONLY (no PeopleTools processes)
e. All processes submitted on the client or server
Ans. E

51. The major types of Trees that can be created using the Tree Manager?
a. Position, Succession, Department, Access Group
b. Detail Trees, Summary Trees, Node Oriented Trees, Query Access Trees
c. Detail Trees, Summary Trees, Node Oriented Trees, Reporting Trees
d. Reporting, Succession, Department, Access Group
e. Summary Trees, Node Oriented Trees, Dimensional Trees, Query Access Trees
Ans. C

52. 1.View
2. SQL Table
3.Derived / Work Record
4. Sub Record
5. Query View
Which of the above record definitions is NOT stored on the database and is therefore NOT required to be built?
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
e. 5
Ans. C

53. You created a new menu with three new data entry panels. The panels were created by another member of the development team. You must now add these panels to the new menu so users can key data into the system. Referring to the above information, which one of the following objects would you add to a menu to include the series of new panels?
Business process map
Business process
Panel group
Ans. E

54. Which one of the following PeopleCode events should NOT contain the WinMessage function?
b. SavePreChange
Ans. B

55. The Process Scheduler Logging detail can be manipulated using the TraceSQL feature. Following is a sample use of this feature: TraceSQL=4
What items will be included in the Process Scheduler log, given the above value of the TraceSQL parameter?
COBOL statement timings and SQL statements
Set select buffers
SQL statements
SQL connect, disconnect, commit, and rollback
SQL statements and variables

55. Which of the following shortcuts would you install on a developer's workstation to allow quick access to the PeopleSoft applications while also allowing them to change the database to which they access?
Configuration Manager and PSADMIN Utility
Security Administrator and Import Manager
PeopleTools and Configuration Manager
Security Administrator and PSADMIN Utility
PeopleTools and Application Server
Ans. c

56. The Application Reviewer is not working correctly, and you are in a hurry to find the problem with a piece of PeopleCode that's been causing problems. You need a quick method to find all the fields being referenced by the PeopleCode program without having to read through the entire program. Referring to the above, how do you determine ALL the fields referenced by the PeopleCode program without having to read every line of code?
Run the delivered PeopleSoft report, XRFMNPC.
Run the delivered PeopleSoft report, XRFPNPC.
Run the delivered PeopleSoft report, XRFPCFL.
Run the delivered PeopleSoft report, XRFPCMN.
e. Run the delivered PeopleSoft report, XRFFLPC.
Ans. e

57. Before performing an upgrade, it is a good idea to validate the consistency of the database in which the upgrade will occur. This helps ensure a "clean" starting point for the upgrade process. Referring to the above information, which Utility program would you run to ensure the underlying database is consistent with the data structures defined in PeopleTools?
Stamp the PeopleSoft Database
Upgrade Compare & Report
Perform a PeopleSoft System Audit
d. Validate PeopleSoft Project
e. Run a PeopleSoft Database Audit
Ans. d, e

58. Which one of the following is NOT a task performed by Data Mover?
Transfer application data between PeopleSoft databases.
Rename record and field names within PS Database.
Re encrypt passwords globally for a single operator.
Move Object definitions contained in the PeopleTools tables.
Imports into an existing PS Database.
Ans. d

59. As a last resort, query will write the default Crystal Report to which directory?
CRWRPTPATH directory
Root directory of the PeopleSoft application server
Server %TEMP% directory
Windows %TEMP% directory
e. User's language directory beneath the CRWRPTPATH directory
Ans. e

60. The Security Administrator is not available. You are in a hurry to grant a user the ability to start an application server, and you decide to make the change in the actual application server configuration file, rather than using the Security Administrator. Referring to the above information, how would you grant a user the ability to start an application server using the application server configuration file, PSAPPSRV.CFG?
Add the OPERATOR ID to the PSAPPSRV.CFG file, and update the STARTAPPSVR column of the PSOPRDEFN table to a value of 1.
Add the OPERATOR ID to the PSAPPSRV table, and update the STARTAPPSVR column of the PSOPRDEFN table to a value of 1.
Add the OPERATOR ID to the PSOPRDEFN table, and update the STARTAPPSVR parameter in the PSAPPSRV.CFG file to a value of 1.
Add the OPERATOR ID to the PSAPPSRV.CFG file, and update the STARTAPPSVR parameter in the PSAPPSRV.CFG file to a value of 1.
Add the OPERATOR ID to the PSAPPSRV table, and update the STARTAPPSVR parameter in the PSAPPSRV.CFG file to a value of 1.
Differences between State and temporary records?

1. State record at any point of time has only single line information, as it's driven by the Process_Instance a skey field. While temp table can have multiple rows.

2. State record had only single instance, while the temp table can have maximum of 99 instance.

3. State record is used for restart logic.

4. State record can be used for dynamically calling AE section, by adding AE_SECTION, AE_APPLID as fields. Temp table can not be used.

If you create a sql table as State Record - data will be stored in the database. If at any point of time, App Engine programs stops, you can continue from that point on provided Restart is enabled. This is called the restart logic. With restart enabled, you don't have to run app. engine program all over again. For this to be true, state record cannot be a derived record. It has to be a sql table.

Temp. table is primarily used for set processing. If there are several users running the program at the same time, copies of tables are created inorder to process in parallel. Temp. table lives only until the program runs and is dissolved immediately after
Sometimes you would like to hide fields from some users and not others. The only way that I know of is by creating a new role and assigns it to users who should not be seeing the fields.

This is how to go about doing that:
1. Create a role and add the users that should not see the fields to this role. The role doesn't have to have any permission list(s), although it could if you want to, it really doesn't matter for what we are trying to do here.
2. In the page.activate PeopleCode event, right some code to test if the user opening the page is in that role. If so, then hid the fields.

There is a delivered PeopleSoft function that checks if a user has a specific role
Why state records are needed?

State records are used in Application engine development and customization. Basically they are used to pass the values(variables, database field) from from section to another section, from action to another action.Each application engine can have multiple state record but there will be only one default state record. It can be a SQL table or derived table. All state record ends with _AET.
The use of State record beside just passing the parameters between different steps of AE, is to enable restart logic. The programmer can program AE by using state record, in such a way that it can be restarted from any point of AE. But to enable the restart, the state record should be physical table and not the derived/work record.
&RQST = CreateProcessRequest();
&RQST.ProcessType = "Application Engine";
&RQST.ProcessName = "KZL_BENLEAVE";
&RQST.RunControlID = &run_control_id;
&RQST.RunLocation = "Server";
Function ImportSegment(&RS2 As Rowset)
Local string &RecordName;
Local Record &REC2;
Local SQL &SQL1;
Local integer &I;
&SQL1 = CreateSQL("%Insert(:1)");
&RecordName = "RECORD." | &RS2.DBRecordName;
&REC2 = CreateRecord(@(&RecordName));
For &I = 1 To &RS2.ActiveRowCount

rem *****************************************************************;
rem * PeopleCode to Import Data *;
rem *****************************************************************;
Local File &FILE1;
Local Record &REC1;
Local SQL &SQL1;
Local Rowset &RS1, &RS2;
Local integer &M;
Local string &FileLayoutName, &RecName, &FileName;

&I = 1;
While &I <= 6 Evaluate &I When 1 &FileLayoutName = "FileLayout.KZL_HEALTH_BEN"; &RecName = "RECORD.KZL_HEALTH_BEN"; &FileName = "Health_Benefits"; Break; When 2 &FileLayoutName = "FileLayout.KZL_LIFE_ADD_BN"; &RecName = "RECORD.KZL_LIFE_ADD_BN"; &FileName = "Life_Add_Ben"; Break; When 3 &FileLayoutName = "FileLayout.KZL_PENSION_PLN"; &RecName = "RECORD.KZL_PENSION_PLN"; &FileName = "Pension_Plan"; Break; When 4 &FileLayoutName = "FileLayout.KZL_SAVINGS_PLN"; &RecName = "RECORD.KZL_SAVINGS_PLN"; &FileName = "Savings_Plan"; Break; When 5 &FileLayoutName = "FileLayout.KZL_VACATION_BN"; &RecName = "RECORD.KZL_VACATION_BN"; &FileName = "Vacation_Ben"; Break; When 6 &FileLayoutName = "FileLayout.KZL_DISABLTY_BN"; &RecName = "RECORD.KZL_DISABLTY_BN"; &FileName = "Disability_Ben"; Break; When-Other Break; End-Evaluate; &FilePath = GetURL(URL.KZL_BASE_PATH); &FilePath_Benefits = &FilePath | "BENEFITS\"; &FILE1 = GetFile(&FilePath_Benefits | &FileName | ".csv", "r", %FilePath_Absolute); &LOGFILE = GetFile(&FilePath_Benefits | &FileName | ".err", "W", %FilePath_Absolute); &FILE1.SetFileLayout(@(&FileLayoutName)); &LOGFILE.SetFileLayout(@(&FileLayoutName)); &RS1 = &FILE1.CreateRowset(); &RS = CreateRowset(@(&RecName)); &SQL1 = CreateSQL("%Insert(:1)"); &RS1 = &FILE1.ReadRowset(); While &RS1 <> Null;
&RS1 = &FILE1.ReadRowset();

&I = &I + 1