PeopleSoft Global Payroll Feature Overview

PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM Cumulative Feature Overview
PeopleSoft Global Payrol Cumulative Feature Overview

Global Payroll

•Online features make evaluating and projecting absences easier.
•Enhancements to the absence management features enable you to:
􀂃Use the new Absence Types page to create an unlimited number of absence types, such as vacation, illness, personal, or maternity, for all countries or for specific countries.
􀂃Define one or more absence reason codes for each absence type.
􀂃Add details about an absence event in a Comments field during absence entry.
􀂃Complete up to 16 user-defined fields when recording absence events on the Absence Event Input Detail page.
􀂃Enter additional characters in the user-defined fields on the Take - Calculation page.
􀂃Specify the rate and amount for generated positive input when defining a take element on the Take - Day Formula page.
•Self-service web transactions enable your employees and managers to perform absence-related tasks online.
•You can designate multiple recipients for a deduction taken from an individual’s pay.
•Enhancements to earnings and deductions functionality allow you to:
ô€‚ƒOverride the value of a supporting element that’s used in the definition of an earnings, deduction, absence take, or absence entitlement element.
􀂃Use the PRORATE system element to prorate an earnings, deduction, absence take, or absence entitlement element when there is no segmentation.
􀂃Assign an element, rather than a numeric value, for an arrears payback amount on the Deductions - Arrears page.
􀂃On the Calculation page of an earnings or deduction component, enter instructions to execute a preprocess and/or a postprocess formula immediately before or after the resolution of the earnings or deduction.
􀂃On the Element Name page, you have greater flexibility in designating whether you want to store earnings and deduction results that resolve to zero.
•Additional security is provided for element ownership and report security.

Approval feature provides the ability to freeze and approve payroll calculations for an individual or a subset of payees prior to finalizing the entire calendar group.
•Enhanced supporting elements with:
􀂃Duration elements able to include or exclude absence daily data, according to your preference.
􀂃Formula elements able to no longer need to be assigned a value.
􀂃Rate code elements able to return a value without undergoing frequency conversion (annualization/deannualization).
•Significant changes to improve the usability and efficiency of the utilities that let you view the relationships between elements, package and move elements and data between databases, and delete elements.
•Writable array feature you can use to populate your own result table.
•Enhancements to Positive Input feature provide a faster, easier option for data entry.
•Integration between Global Payroll and the Human Resources Manage Variable Compensation business process.
•Time-saving enhancement provides the ability to automatically create calendars for payroll processing.
•Payee Calendar Override page provides the ability to override the calendar group definition at the payee level.
•Pay Entity - Processing Details page has a new rounding option. When selected, the rounding rule is executed whenever currency conversion occurs, regardless of the source of the value (for example, accumulators and positive input).
•Component interfaces enable you to create alternate methods for entering positive input (including supporting element overrides), entering absence events, making payee earnings/deduction assignments (including supporting element overrides), entering supporting element overrides for pay groups and pay entities, and creating payee sections. You can use the Variables by Category page, which uses a component interface to access the Variables component to view and update definitions for a specific category of variable elements.
•New delivered query allows you to retrieve information for Global Payroll elements.
•System can retrieve a payee’s mailing address from Human Resources during the batch process.
•Cancel interval on the installation table. This field indicates the maximum number of payees for whom result table data can be deleted at one time. The system retrieves this value during the cancel process.
•Ability to share retroactive adjustments among run types. Using the Retro Adjustment Sources field on the Run Type page, you can automatically pull retroactive adjustments from previously established run types.
•Absence take daily processing enables you to process absence takes in a daily order rather than by a process list order. You can accurately represent daily entitlement activity before applying a new absence take. When multiple events occur on the same day, the system follows a set of rules that consider the take element order on the section list, the absence date, and other factors to resolve the order of processing overlapping events. You can choose between daily order and process list order processing.
•Country field is now a key field for trigger definitions, event definitions, the segmentation table and retro trigger table. The Country field is also on the iterative trigger table. This enables multi-national companies to create unique trigger definitions and event ID names for each country without having to agree on one trigger definition per record or one event ID across all countries. Also, because all triggers now have an associated Country value, it is no longer necessary for the system to expand retro triggers before processing them.
•Each time you execute a payroll process, the system generates a list of affected payees. You can access this information to view an inquiry list that includes all payees processed during each batch process, learn the reason behind each action taken for a payee, and review all of the calculation-related information including the payee messages, payee status, and payee results pages.
•Enhancements to the rules packager feature provide the ability to move data between the source and target database without the need for both databases to have the same base language. Using Data Mover functionality, the rule packager can create a new row for the base language or replace it if that base language is in the related language table in the source database.
•New Additional action type enables users to enter values for existing positive input components that are processed in addition to the automatically generated resolution of the element, without overriding the automatically generated amount. The Additional action type can be used with multiple instances, rules for mixed action types, eligibility, and generation control, among others.
•Ability to select retroactive calculation methods for banking and General Ledger postings.
•Off-cycle payroll processing provides payroll processing outside the normal on-cycle payroll processing window, including scenarios such as paying a new hire who was not included in the regular run, corrections for timesheet omissions, and pay errors. The user can launch an off-cycle process without creating additional calendars, and the payee is automatically suspended from the on-cycle run.
•Ability to configure and view user-defined payroll results online.
•You can configure the supporting element override fields on the detail pages for both earnings and deductions assignments and positive input entries.
•Standard global Payee Messages SQR report that enables payroll administrators to print out a list of messages that are created during the payroll process for a selected population, providing the ability to identify payees who may need further editing to make it through finalization of the payroll.
•You can cause an element to resolve multiple times in a single period by assigning multiple instances of an element to a payee on the element assignment pages or defining an accumulator driver to cause multiple resolutions of an earning or deduction.

When using net pay validation (NPV), you can specify a priority order for taking deductions when net pay won’t cover all deductions (previously, only processing order was available).
•Ability to override each individual component (rate, unit, base, percentage) in a post-process formula, which provides a full solution to additional amount and limit requirements.
•Automatically create employee triggers based on changes to setup tables. You define the fields, records, and components that will activate the trigger by creating a Trigger Definition. Employee triggers are generated on setup tables that are not keyed by EMPLID.
•Banking enhancements allow you to:
􀂃Limit the payment method of check and cash to one of each for net pay distribution.
ô€‚ƒOverride the payment method for employees’ net distribution for a specific run type or calendar group ID or by payee.
􀂃Put a net or recipient payment on hold and pay it at a later date.
􀂃Distribute net pay based on calendar period and segmentation.
􀂃Void a payment online.
•International Bank Account Number (IBAN) is part of the employer and payee bank account information and the electronic file transfer (EFT) files use this code where needed.
•Bank reconciliation process enables you to reconcile payments made from the Global Payroll system.
•Standard ChartField configuration provides consistent use of ChartFields between General Ledger, Time and Labor, and Global Payroll. Financial Management allows General Ledger users to define how their ChartFields are displayed and used in combinations. HRMS displays ChartFields exactly the way they appear in Financial Management.
•PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll with PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne General Ledger Integration enables synchronization between PeopleSoft Enterprise Payroll for North America or PeopleSoft Enterprise Global Payroll and PeopleSoft EnterpriseOne General Ledger.
•You can interface your Global Payroll system with the data warehouse in Performance Management. Through the Finalize phase of the Payroll COBOL process, you can publish earning, deduction, and accumulator information into Global Payroll “EPM” tables, where the Performance Management product can access and subscribe to the data.
•Identify a balance as an absence accumulator or a payroll accumulator. You can then configure the system to store this balance in the result tables only after the appropriate calculation.
•Bundle positive input that is written by the absence process for use by the payroll process. This enables you to consolidate several rows of daily absence data into a single row of generated positive input.
•History rows no longer stored on the two parent result data tables (process stat and segment stat).
•Rate-as-of-date is an attribute of the generated positive input table itself, and no longer uses the additional SOVR row.

•Employees can submit a time-off request with a minimum of clicks. The user interface displays only the required amount of information needed to submit the request and is tailored to each kind of absence.
•Absence Request History page displays a list of the employee’s absence requests for a specific default range of dates that the employee can change and refresh the list.
•Employees can easily view their current absence entitlement balances.
•Employees can click the Forecast Balance link that appears on employee self-service pages to calculate projected absence entitlement balances as of a future date.
•Managers can easily submit a request to take time off on behalf of one of their employees.
•Managers can easily view their employees’ current or projected absence entitlement balances.
•Managers can easily call up a list of all absence requests that are awaiting approval (pending), approved, or denied.
•Manager can use the Request Details page to approve, deny, or push an absence request back to the previous step in the approval process. Manager can forecast the employee’s absence balance to verify eligibility for the type of absence requested.
•Ability to change the terms viewed in self-service pages so that they can better match local needs.
•Enhanced shared scheduling components including employee self-service view monthly schedule, self-service scheduling pages for managers and employees, streamlined approach to building work schedules, ability to create personalized schedules for individual employees, and rotating schedules.
•New Approval Framework features for the absence approval process with the Approval Workflow Engine (AWE) providing capabilities for creating, running, and managing the approval processes.
•Enhanced Rules Packager tool enables the movement of element-based data from one database to another. This enhancement improves the overall setup and procedure for the packager utilities, providing a more flexible, simple, and straightforward process.
•Delivered templates with documentation for archiving Global Payroll results data under specific conditions.
•Trigger enhancements that enable you to:
􀂃Segment and prorate earning and deduction assignments.
􀂃Manage used or obsolete segmentation triggers to prevent unnecessary segmentation of payroll results and possible calculation errors.
ô€‚ƒIdentify the source and cause of a trigger—that is, the record, field, or field value change that generates a trigger.
􀂃Define offsets for retro triggers so that you can control the effective date of a retroactive data change.

•Option to process and prorate earnings/deductions assigned to only a portion of the pay period—regardless of whether they are active as of the end date—in addition to those that are active as of the period end date.
•Sample rules that are meaningful and useful for customers seeking to utilize best practices for common payroll requirements when using Global Payroll for configuring their own country extension.
•Generate Report Data for Global Payroll and all country extensions, which eases the extraction of data from the result tables.
•Enhancements to make the processing of off-cycle transactions easier.
•Administrators can view or print a copy of employee payslips online.
•Ability to view absence entitlement balances and enter absences from the Time and Labor Timesheet page. Users can report and approve absences using the Timesheet page, thus facilitating absence entry and validation within Time and Labor.
•Enhanced Approval Framework features for the absence approval process, improved user experience for creating, running, and managing the approval processes.
•Delegation to authorize another person to serve as his or her representative when working with absence transactions.