Is VMWare supported by PeopleSoft?

VMWare can be used with PeopleSoft Environments, support related information can be reviewed from:

PeopleTools Certification FAQs - Additional Components (Doc ID 756831.1)

Review Question No 2.


Oracle certifies our products (PeopleTools and EnterpriseOne Tools) on certain operating systems (including Solaris, HPUX, Linux, MSWindows, AIX etc.), not on specific hardware configurations. Therefore, as long as a customer configures their machines with supported operating systems, we will treat them as though they are independent systems and provide full support.

Our support team will attempt to resolve issues using our own environments with the same operating system. We will treat virtual machines, terminal servers and alternate hardware configurations in a similar manner to any other hardware system. That is, we will likely configure independent systems with a supported operating system for web, application, batch, and database servers and attempt to replicate a problem. In the event that we cannot replicate an issue on separate systems using the same OS, we will refer the customer to the vendor to resolve the issue.

Please also see Oracle's corporate policy on support for VMWare virtualized environments Note: 249212.1 for additional information.