PeopleSoft and Load Balancers on WebLogic

End users are intermittently seeing "This page is no longer available" message or intermittently kicked out to the search page. These problems occur since the end user's sessions are not sticky and end user's session are bouncing between multiple webservers. Incorrect load balancer setup may cause other intermittent problems.

Verify PIA and load balancer are setup correctly with the following checklist:

1. For customers that use a load balancer, Oracle recommends using a cookie (session) based load balancer and sticky bits enabled.  IP based load balancing is not recommended and IP based load balancing is known to cause session stickiness problems.  
For more information on cookie based load balancing and sticky bits, please follow up with your load balancer vendor.

2. Ensure all your webservers have the same cookie name in each weblogic.xml file.  This file can be found in the following directory: 
In this example, there's two webservers behind the load balancer. Therefore, verify that your cookie names are the same:

weblogic.xml (webserver 1):


weblogic.xml (webserver 2):


Save both weblogic.xml files.

** If you're running Enterprise Portal and have content providers, please ensure that all Enterprise Portal webserver cookie name are all exactly the same. The content provider's webserver cookie names should have their own set of cookie names. Therefore, both Portal and content should not have the exact same cookie name. Suppose Enterprise Portal had 4 webservers and HR had 4 webservers. All 4 Enterprise Portal cookie names could be eportal-7011-PORTAL-PSJSESSIONID, but all 4 HR cookie names could be hrms-7011-PORTAL-PSJSESSIONID.

3. In weblogic.xml, ensure CookieDomain is set in all weblogic.xml. This value is automatically set when entering the authentication domain during the PIA install. If the authentication domain isn't set during PIA install, please reinstall PIA and set authentication domain.

4. In PIA, navigate to "PeopleTools -> Web Profile -> Web Profile Configurations". Search for your Web Profile. Click on

Virtual Address and populate your default addressing. For example, suppose your end users access your load balancer with the following URL:@ You would need to set the following:

Default addressing Protocol: HTTP
Default addressing Name:
Default addressing Port: 80

* The above is an example. You'll need to populate with your load balancer info.
5. Please ensure PIA "Inactivity Logout" in seconds matches HTTP timeout in minutes.

a) In PIA, navigate to "PeopleTools -> Web Profile -> Web Profile Configurations". Search for webprofile. Click on "Security" tab. PIA timeout is "Inactivity Logout" in seconds. Suppose "Inactivity Logout" = 1200 seconds.

b) In WebLogic, open web.xml file.  This file can be found in the following directory:
WebLogic HTTP timeout appears in minutes:


In this example, ensure WebLogic HTTP timeout is 20 minutes to match "Inactivity Logout" (1200 seconds).

The Load Balancer's timeout should be higher than the PIA "Inactivity Logout" timeout and webserver HTTP timeout. Please consult with load balancer vendor to find out where to set load balancer timeout.

6. After updating weblogic.xml, web.xml and webprofile, you must bounce your webservers.

KEYWORDS: SPOTLIGHT, "page is no longer available", Load Balancer