Validating the Component Interface -Peoplesoft

Validating the Component Interface

Validation ensures that a component interface definition has not deviated from its source
component. This can happen whenever a component deletes or adds a record or field. It can
also happen if the keys on the component are added or removed. Properties and keys that no
longer synchronize with their associated components are marked with an X icon.
Note. The validation process only determines whether the underlying component of a
component interface has changed. It does not validate the PeopleCode that is associated with
a component interface. To validate the PeopleCode, open the component and select Tools,
Validate from the PeopleSoft Application Designer menu.

To correct an invalid component interface, you might have to delete properties for which there
are no longer appropriate fields or records. If the structure of the source component has
changed, you might have to delete old properties and re-add the new properties in their
appropriate locations.

To validate a component interface:
1. Open the component interface in PeopleSoft Application Designer.
Validation occurs automatically whenever you open a component interface in PeopleSoft
Application Designer.
2. Select Tools, Validate for Consistency from the PeopleSoft Application Designer menu to
validate an open component interface.

As you change components or other related definitions, you should validate a component
interface that is already open in PeopleSoft Application Designer.