PeopleSoft Component Interface Attributes

Component Interface Attributes
• Name
• Keys
• Properties
• Collections
• Methods

Each component interface requires a name. The calling programs use the name of the
component interface to access properties and methods.

Keys are special properties containing values that retrieve an instance (get keys) or a list of
instances (find keys) of the component interface. When you create a new component
interface, get and find keys are created based on the search record definition for the underlying
component. However, you can add, remove, or change keys in PeopleSoft Application
Designer. Create keys get created for component that have the “Add” action enabled.

Properties provide access to component data and component interface settings and status when
they’re exposed through component interface. Component interfaces include two types of

• Standard properties (InteractiveMode, GetHistoryItems, and EditHistoryItems) are
assigned automatically when a component interface is created.
Standard properties can be set to true or false. These properties are not displayed in the
PeopleSoft Application Designer.

• User-Defined Properties map to record fields on the PeopleSoft component. These
properties are displayed in the PeopleSoft Application Designer. A property can
correspond to a field or a scroll (collection).

Note. Every PeopleSoft Application Designer definition—including the component
interface—has a definition properties dialog box in which you make design-time settings for
the definition. Those properties should not be confused with the runtime properties that are
discussed here.

A component interface collection is a special type of property that corresponds to a scroll. It
contains fields and subordinate scrolls as defined in its underlying component. By default,
each collection uses the name of the primary record for the underlying scroll.

A method is a function that performs a specific task on a component interface at runtime.
Likewise, you can use methods to save or create a new purchase order. Like component
interface properties, there are two main types of methods:

Standard methods are those that are available for all component interfaces.
The Find, Get, Save, and Cancel methods are automatically generated by PeopleSoft
Application Designer when a new component interface is created. The Create method
gets created for components that have the “Add” action enabled.

• User-defined methods are created in PeopleSoft Application Designer to provide
added functionality to the component interface.
These methods are functions that are made accessible through the component interface.
Each function maps to a user-defined method.