Configuring a Compiler for the C++ Project -Peoplesoft

To configure a compiler for the C++ project:
Note. These instructions assume you’re using Microsoft Visual C++. If you use a
different compiler, apply the equivalent settings for that product.
1. In MicroSoft Visual C++, create a new project.
2. Select Tools, Options.
3. Select the Directories tab.
4. In the Options dialog box, click the New button.
5. Enter the path to the SDK include files.
For example:
6. Click OK to save the options.
7. Open the Project Settings dialog box.
8. Select the C/C++ tab.

9. Select the General category.
10. Add PS_WIN32 to the preprocessor definitions.
11. Select the Link tab.
12. Select the Input category.
13. Specify the full path to psapiadapter.lib for the Object/library modules.
This is typically \src\lib\psapiadapter.lib. Make sure that this is the only
entry for psapiadapter.lib.
14. Click OK to save the settings.