PeopleSoft Commmon Components Feature Overview
PeopleSoft Enterprise HRMS Cumulative Feature Overview
Common Components (sometimes referred to as Enterprise Components) are enterprise-wide features that enhance your ownership experience and help you run your business more efficiently and profitably. These represent functionality that spans multiple products within the PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM product family.
•Catalog Management built on the PeopleSoft technology platform replaces the Cohera Catalog Management System. Catalog Management offers a unique solution to catalog integration and is designed for organizations that want a web-based application to access, transform, and integrate structured content to meet their catalog management needs.
•Common Partner Registration allows an enterprise to share its PeopleSoft applications with outside parties, which reduces the enterprise's workload and streamlines its processes.
•Data Transformer introduces a new ETL utility to extract, transform and load data from remote or local data sources to a data source of your choice. This utility handles high volume data transfers and transformation processing.
•The Integration Services Repository (ISR) is a tool used by Application Development teams to document defined integration points delivered in PeopleSoft applications. The current version of the ISR is hosted on a standalone system where applications groups enter defined integration point information and is not delivered to customers. Customers can retrieve information and metadata details for PeopleSoft delivered defined integration points via and Customer Connection.
•Synchronized code line for Integration Utilities consisting of Effective Date Utility, Full/Batch Publish Utility, Related Language Utility, Error Handling Utility, and Flat File Utility solutions.
•Credit Card Interface provides communication between PeopleSoft applications and a third party product for purposes of credit card authorization.
•Address Component enables the creation of new secondary pages for each country, including the address fields applicable to each.
•Core set of objects (fields, tables, work records, pages, and PeopleCode functions), as well as a recommended set of standard techniques and formulas, to support a common approach to defining and storing market rates and for converting currency throughout PeopleSoft applications.
•Data distribution functionality previously available in PeopleSoft 8.4 CRM is now a common component called Datasets, and is available for use by all product lines. Datasets comprise reusable criteria for the selection of data to filter data for a given purpose.
•Directory Interface previously available within the HRMS database has been converted to a common component available to all product lines.
•You can use the Maintain Catalog Partners component to register partners for Catalog Management.
•You can use Catalog Management categorization functionality to associate partner offerings to catalog offerings, and group them into enterprise catalog categories.
•You can use the Compare Version component to generate comparison reports for viewing and comparing changes between any two catalog versions where the partner’s offering data has already been transformed and loaded into the enterprise catalog.
•Run Summary feature enables you to view information related to the status of a particular Data Transformer extract, transform, and load process. Although the Process Monitor also provides information regarding a process run, the Run Summary feature offers a more granular view of the individual sub processes, such as chunks, that are not exposed in the Process Monitor.
•Alternate character handling is available for address fields.
•Effective dating is available for address fields, allowing users to enter new address information in advance or correct previous information “as of” a certain date.
•Address display box appears as a read-only box, not as an editable box.
•Publish utility creates the following related language messages:
􀂃One message in the base language table of the publishing system.
􀂃One message for each language in the related language tables for the base language table.
•FullSync Upgrade utility allows upgrading of fields between two PeopleSoft applications.
•Directory Interface enhancements offer ability to generate certain data that is persistent and can be used for historical auditing.
•Active Analytics Framework is a suite of tools comprising a closed-loop, decision-making system where specific business issues can be addressed. Business-intelligent applications or transactions can respond when conditions are met and specific actions are recommended.
􀂃The data library is a repository for information within the Active Analytics Framework. Each element in the data library is exposed by way of a term, which is a pointer to a unit of data within the PeopleSoft system. This data may reside in a relational database, or it may be derived at runtime. Active Analytics Framework includes components to define new terms in the data library and can automatically create terms for data elements in a component.
􀂃Business analysts and other functional users define policies with an intuitive user interface. Functional users can create policies that use data elements of various forms and shapes residing in different sources such as the transactional environment, data warehouses, legacy systems, and so on. Active Analytics Framework is triggered by the occurrence of events called trigger points, which in turn generate recommended actions based upon the evaluation of business policies. The combination of trigger point, conditions, and actions is known as a policy. Application developers and functional business analysts use a wizard-like interface to build, manage, and associate trigger points to policies.
􀂃Extensible framework supports the definition and execution of consequent actions. PeopleSoft delivers a built-in action type for displaying alerts to the user. Application developers can create customized action types within product lines to accommodate their functional needs.
•Interactive reports utilize Business Analysis Modeler, a calculation and analysis tool used by various PeopleSoft applications, to calculate and present multi-dimensional data to the user. Interactive reports offer a method of embedding analytic functionality in all PeopleSoft applications.
•Delivered set of Navigation Collection portal utilities including the Navigation Collections component, Navigation Collection system and registry defaults, and Portal utility batch processes. Navigation Collections enable you to create custom navigation pages for specific user roles, departments, or logical groupings of work. Instead of having users traverse through a list of menu items to locate the content that they are looking for, you can simply create collections of useful links tailored to their needs. You can deploy these groupings of links to portal content to different users or groups of users, providing navigation that is tailored to a specific role or business process.
•Pagelet Wizard simplifies this process by enabling you to create pagelets quickly and easily via the web. This tool is powerful in that it can access a variety of data sources and enables deep customization of the way in which data from these data sources is presented, with no coding required.
•Setup Manager reduces the manual effort of identifying the application setup required to support your implementation, easing your implementation effort through the use of setup task lists that identify the setup components that must be configured with your application.
•A common document generation solution used throughout the PeopleSoft Enterprise HCM suite that leverages Oracle’s XML Publisher technology.
•Vastly improved functionality to automatically trigger workflow notifications to inform the next approver in the process of work waiting. User-friendly, configurable, easily maintained and upgraded, and consistent across all adopting HCM applications through the use of the Approval Workflow Engine.
•Utilizing the Approval Workflow Engine, users have the ability to authorize other users to perform managerial tasks on their behalf by delegating authority to initiate or approve managerial transactions.