Peoplesoft WebLogic server as Proxy
PeopleTools 8.40 – 8.43
The instructions below assumes that WebLogic is up and running on the host and on NT/2000 it can be started from the command line, please consult PIA Answerbook for detailed instructions on how to do this. It is necessary to install PIA on this host even if no instance of PIA will run on this host. In the instructions below, WL_HOME is the directory where WebLogic is installed and PIA1 is the name of the first WebLogic name. The steps to follow are:
1. Backup the WL_HOME/config/peoplesoft/config.xml file
2. In a browser navigate to the console at http://webhost1:5000/console
NOTE: The default login is - system/password
3. Select peoplesoft->Deployments from the left frame
4. Select “Web Applications” from the left frame
5. Select “Configure a new Web Application...” from the right frame
6. Specify the following information:
a. From Configuration->General Tab
ô€‚ƒ Change Name to “HttpClusterServlet”
􀂃 Change Path URI to config/peoplesoft/applications/HttpClusterServlet
􀂃 Select Create
7. Select peoplesoft->Servers from the left frame
8. Select “Configure a new Server...” from the right frame
9. Modify data to match the Proxy Server values. In our example:
a. From Configuration->General Tab
􀂃 Change Name to RPS
􀂃 Change Listen Port to 5000
􀂃 Specify Listen Address if the host has multiple IP addresses
􀂃 Select Apply
b. From Configuration->HTTP Tab
ô€‚ƒ Select Default Web Application as “HttpClusterServlet”
􀂃 Select Apply
c. Optional from Configuration->SSL Tab
􀂃 Change Port to 5001
ô€‚ƒ Setup “Server Key File Name”
ô€‚ƒ Setup “Server Certificate File Name”
ô€‚ƒ Setup “Server Certificate Chain File Name”
ô€‚ƒ Setup “Trusted CA File Name”
􀂃 Select Apply
d. From Deployments->Web Applications Tab
ô€‚ƒ Select “Web App Component” and then select “HttpClusterServlet” as a
Chosen item
􀂃 Select Apply
e. From Logging->General Tab
ô€‚ƒ Change “File Name” to create a new log file for RPS instance, e.g.
􀂃 Select Apply
f. From Logging->HTTP Tab
ô€‚ƒ Change “Logfile Name” to create a new access log file for RPS instance e.g.
􀂃 Select Apply
g. Optionally from the Notes Tab
􀂃 Change Notes to something like:
“The RPS server is the is the Reverse Proxy Server to access PIA
10. Select peoplesoft->Deployments from the left frame
11. Then Select Web Applications from the left frame
12. Select “Edit Web Application Descriptor…” from the right frame
13. Select “HttpClusterServlet->Web App Descriptor->Servlets->HttpClusterServlet- >Parameters” from the left frame of the new window
14. Then for WebLogic 6.1 SP2 select “WebLogicCluster” or for WebLogic 6.1 SP1 select defaultServers” from the left frame
a. Update the “Param Value” field to include all webserver instance info (name:httpPort:httpsPort) here.
b. Select Apply
15. Select “HttpClusterServlet->Web App Descriptor->Servlets->HttpClusterServlet->Parameters” from the left frame
16. Click on “Configure a new parameter...” on the right frame
17. Specify the following information:
a. Set Param-Name: cookieName
NOTE: With WebLogic 6.1 SP1 the only valid Param-Value is JSESSIONID which is also the default.
NOTE: The Param-Value must match the CookieName in PORTAL's weblogic.xml and files. On NT these are
WL_HOME\config\peoplesoft\applications\PORTAL\WEB-INF\weblogic.xml and
psftdocs\ps\ respectively.
18. Select HttpClusterServlet on the left frame
a. Select Validate on the right frame and ensure that the deployment descriptor validates cleanly
19. Select HttpClusterServlet on the left frame again
a. Select Persist to save the validated deployment descriptor
20. On NT create a startup file WL_HOME\config\peoplesoft\startRPS.cmd with the following:
@echo off
startPIA RPS
On UNIX create a startup file WL_HOME\config\peoplesoft\ with the following:
exec RPS
21. Optional: Create a DNS name entry for the IP address for the proxy i.e., that will be
used to access the website.
This will configure the WebLogic proxy. After these steps are completed use
WL_HOME\config\peoplesoft\startRPS.cmd (.sh) to start the WebLogic proxy.