PeopleSoft Peoplecode Functions


Is null- Returns a value of 1 if source Val is null, otherwise returns a value of 0.
Instr- Returns the numeric position of sub value in source value or 0 if not found.
Length- Returns the number or characters in source value.
Lpad- Pads the source value on the left to a length of length value using pad value and returns the result.
Ltrim- Trims characters in source value from the left until a character is not in set value and returns the result.
Nvl- Returns y_value if the x_value is null, otherwise returns x_value.
Example: let $city = nval (&city, ‘-- not city -‘)
Round (#avg_length,0)
Substr- extracts the specified portion of source value.
To char-, To Number,
String-This creates a string, Opposite of this is Unstring
Extract-Copies a portion of a string into string variables generally used in file manipulations. Example: EXTRACT $area code from &homophone 0 3
Print is most commonly used stmt. Show and Display are also used