Peoplesoft Application Designer Overview


Application Designer: Is a People Tool used to develop and customize the PeopleSoft application as per the requirement.

What are the Steps in the Implementation?

Difference between prompt and translate values.

Translate Table: Translate table is a special kind of table that is limited to validating data of length four characters or less. The translate table serves as a universal prompt table and is effective-dated

Prompt Table: Prompt table are used to provide users with validate values from other tables, other values are generally populated by system users, and are often application specific
What is search Record?
Search record is the first record which will be accessed by component buffer. means ,it facilitates the retrival of required rows that will be used for the component. e.g. instead of retriviewing all the rows we can select some particular through the search willl improve the performance.
PeopleSoft applications can run in two different processing modes: interactive and deferred.
Interactive Mode  In interactive mode (formerly called standard), when the user exits a field that has a field-level event (for example, FieldChange, FieldEdit, RowInsert PeopleCode, prompt validation, related display, and so on):
• A transmission to the application server is performed to run that field-level event.
• The page is redisplayed.
Deferred Mode  Deferred mode enables you to defer many of the conditions that need server processing until running them on the application server is required or requested. For example, when a user exits a field that has a field-level event (like FieldChange or FieldEdit PeopleCode, prompt validation, related display, and so on) that event is not run until the next transmission to the application server. When the next transmission to the server occurs, PeopleTools determines which fields have changed since the last transmission. Logic on the application server runs the appropriate system edits and PeopleCode events (in field layout order).
You can select deferred mode processing at the field, page, and component levels. For a field in the component to run in deferred mode, you must select deferred mode at each of those levels. Deferred processing is the default mode at the field, page, and component levels.

Difference between Query Views & Dynamic Views?

1.Query Views are designed using Query Manager Tool where as we write SQL in Dynamic Views.
2.Query View is Built and Exists in the Database where as Dynamic View can’t be build so it doesnot exists in Database.
Difference between Interface, Report & Process?
Interface: This is used to interact with other system may be PS or Legacy Syatem
Report: This has an user interaction to execute or generate.
Process: This is scheduled in Batch Server so ther is no need for the user to

Grid  Adds a grid that looks and behaves like a spreadsheet that is embedded in a page. It has column headings and cells and uses push buttons, links, and tabs to navigate through the data. It is similar to a scroll area on a page. Each row in the grid corresponds to a set of controls in a scroll occurrence. Navigation links and push buttons replace the actual visual scroll bar, and add and delete push buttons enable a user to insert and delete rows. Use instead of a single-level scroll area or scroll bar to manage multi-row sets of data.

Scroll Area  Provides an easy way for you to group or repeat multiple fields of data in a defined area. Like a grid, users can easily navigate through the rows using links and buttons in a navigation bar, and they can add or delete rows using push buttons. These features are automatically placed in the navigation bar. The navigation bar also provides several other settings, such as a Find feature that enables the user to search all fields and rows for specific data and a View All option so that the user can see all rows of data at once.
The fields in the scroll area can be placed randomly, one on top of the other, or side-by-side. Unlike a grid, you are not limited to the type of controls that you can place in your scroll area. You can even place a grid inside a scroll area.

Scroll Bar  Like the scroll area, scroll bars also contain push buttons and links for navigation, but not in the form of navigation bars. Developers must manually position all navigation items. Like grids and scroll areas, the actual scroll control that you see in PeopleSoft Application Designer when working with scroll bars in page definitions does not appear at runtime. Instead, the scroll bar control has scroll action buttons to replace the visual rendering of the scroll bar as push buttons and links on the web.

Secondary Page  Adds an invisible control that associates a secondary page with the primary page. You then associate the secondary page with a command push button or link or a pop-up menu. Secondary pages gather or display supplemental information that is related to the data in a primary page but less frequently referenced or updated. Secondary pages are displayed using the DoModal PeopleCode function.

HTML Area  Adds an area where you can write your own HTML. With other controls, the PeopleSoft system automatically generates the HTML code. The HTML code is then inserted into the dynamically generated code at runtime.

Push Button or Link  Adds a push button or link that represents an internal or external link, PeopleCode command, process through PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, prompt action, scroll action, secondary page, or toolbar action. You can specify whether the control appears as a traditional push button, or as a link (highlighted, underlined text).

Derived and Work Fields  You can use a field definition from a derived or work record to store a temporary value that PeopleCode uses to determine the values of other field controls on the page.
For example, for a budgeting transaction in PeopleSoft General Ledger, assume that you have an annual amount that you must spread to multiple accounting periods. You can create a page that includes both a field control from a derived record for the annual amount and an amount control for each accounting period. You then write PeopleCode to derive the amount per accounting period from the annual amount. When a user enters the annual amount in the derived field control, PeopleCode calculates the amount per accounting period and inserts it into each accounting period field control. The annual amount isn't stored in the database, but the period amounts are.

Order of Execution of Deferred processing?
Ans: This is similar to Interactive Processing where as in this Field Change, Field Edit Peoplecode events & System edits will be differed until we press the Save Button.

What are Data Buffer Classes in Peoplesoft?
Ans: There are totally 4 Data Buffer Classes in PeopleSoft. They are
1. Row Class 2. Rowset Class 3.Field Class 4.Record Class.

Define Signon Process?
Tell about PIA

What are Record Types?
Ans: There are totally 7 Record Types. They are

1.SQL Table.
2.SQL View
3.Derived/work Record
4.Dynamic View
5.Query View
7.Temporary Table.

What is Scroll Area ? How many can we keep on a Page?
Ans: Scroll Area is a Page Control which contains Child Records’-Fields which is used to maintain the Parent-Child Relationship between Tables. We can place any number of scroll areas on a page.

What is a Sub-Page? Why it is used?
Ans:Sub-Page is a Page control which is mainly used to insert Sub-Records.

Why is Derived Work record used?
Ans:DerivedWork record is mainly used for the Online page calculations and also used as Functional Libraries in PeopleCode.

What is the Component Buffer?
Ans: Temporary memory area to Store data related to ‘Current Active Component’.

what is Dynamicview & Derived/work record?
Ans. This is mainly used to increase the performance in People Code programming.
What is effective dated concept?how it acts in different modes?
This is used to maintain Different rows for the same key field value depending on the Date.
What is effective sequence?
Which is used to maintain different row for the same value
& same Effective Date.
What is alternate search key?
This is some thing like secondary key. This is Found in search dialog box to search based on this value even though this is not a key field. & search key

What is a record?
A record is a combination of fields. A record is a definition of what your underlying SQL database tables will look like, and how they will process data.

How to define parent-child relations in peoplesoft?
Some times while creating records, you'll have a field within a table for which you want to allow multiple occurrences, in such case you create a subordinate or child table. For ex. For employee reviews, an employee can be reviewed for performance in multiple categories - organization skills, interpersonal skills etc.,. These categories and ratings are stored in a separate child table, EE_REVIEW_RT, which is related to REVIEW_DT, the parent table which stores data about employee reviews. The keys you set on parent record will determine which keys are required on any child records. The child must have the same keys as the parent, plus one or more keys that uniquely identify each row.

How do we create custom field format?
Custom field format allows you to create your own format definitions using format notation, and apply them to fields. These formats are organized into Format Families, which can include one or more unique formats.

What are the keys available in Peoplesoft?
Key - Search Key - Duplicate Order Key - Alternate Search Key - Descending Key

What is a prompt table?

If you want to provide prompt support for a field based on the data stored in a separate table, enter the name of the table you want to use as the Prompt Table at: Record field properties - Edits - Prompt table. This will enable users to position their cursor on the field and press F4 to prompt for a list of values stored on the table.
For example, let's say that we want users to enter Employees IDs in the EMPLID field, which is stored in PERSONAL_DATA. By entering PERSONAL_DATA as the Prompt Table, users simply press F4 on EMPLID to select from a list of Employee ID values for this field.

What is Translate/xlatt field?
The translate table is a table that stores values for fields that need to be validated but don't need individual tables of their own.

What is Set control field, where can it be utilized?
When you enter a name in Prompt Table (Record field properties - edits) and tab off the field, Set Control Field is activated. This enables you to select a Set Control Field that overrides the Set Control Field of the record definition specified in Prompt table. If you don't specify a name in this field, it defaults to the Set Control Field of the table specified in prompt table.

What is Cache, How does it useful for clients?
The Cache or Cache record is a PS record, keyed by process instance that must be created and maintained by the Application Engine Developer. This record defines the fields that an application uses to pass values from one SQL statement to another. When an application is started, a row in the cache record is created for the assigned process instance. It is then updated by application engine whenever a COMMIT is performed. The cache row is deleted upon successful completion of the application

What is Query Security Record?
Query Security Record is to secure access to a particular record using a security view.

What is a Dynamic view record?
Record def that can be used like a view in panels and PeopleCode, but is actually not stored as a SQL View in the database. Instead, Application Processor uses the text as a base for the SQL SELECT that is executed at runtime. Dynamic views some times provide superior performance such as search records.

What is the use of Derived/work record?
A temporary work space to be used during online panel processing. A derived or work record is not stored on the database, so you don't build it.

What is Query view, how to define it?
A view constructed using PeopleSoft Query tool.

What is the use of Search key and list box item?
When you turn on Search Key, the system will include this field in the search dialog for a panel. And it automatically turns on the List Box item. Turn on the List Box Item if you want the field to appear in F4 prompt lists and in the list box preceding a panel.

Can we rename a field/record, How does it effect front-end and database?
When you rename a record definition, the system automatically renames all references to it in Peoplecode except in the text portion of the SQL Functions, such as SQLExec and Scroll Select. If you have already SQL Created the underlying tables for the record definition you renamed, you'll need to recreate the table. If you have data in this table you want to preserve, you should use the SQL Alter function to rename the data base tables. When you rename a field, the system automatically renames all references to it in Peoplecode, except in the text portion of the SQL functions such as SQLExec and Scroll Select.

Can we delete a field in the record structure?
You cannot delete a field if it is currently used on any records. Before you delete a field, you must first remove it from any records where it resides.

What is audit? How many types of audits available in peoplesoft?
For some field values, you may want to keep a history of who adds, changes, or deletes data. When you set the options for tracking that info it is called auditing. When you turn on the Audit field options (Record field properties - Use) Psoft track the info into PSAUDIT table. Three types of audits are available in peoplesoft?
Field Add: Audits the field whenever a new row of data is added.
Field Change: Audits the field whenever the contents are changed. Field Delete: Audits the field whenever a row of data is deleted.

What is a Subrecord?
A SubRecord by definition allows you to add a group of fields that are commonly used in multiple record definitions. A SubRecord must be defined before it can be entered into a record definition. Insert - SubRecord

What are Sub panels?
If you have groups of controls, such as address controls, that you use on multiple panel definitions, you can save it as a subpanel. And insert this sub panel wherever you want.

What are Secondary panels?
Secondary panels are used to gather or display information related to the objects that appear in a primary panel. A secondary panel can be called from the primary panel and used to enter or display additional data without cluttering your primary panel.

How to invoke the secondary panel?
There are two ways:
•Insert a push button control type of Secondary Panel. This automatically invokes the secondary panel when the user presses the button.
•Insert a secondary panel control. This is invisible at run time. When you use a secondary panel control , you must also insert a command push button on the panel and call the DO MODAL People code function from the push button's FieldChange event in order to invoke the secondary panel.

What is a Related Display field and Display Control field?
A related display field is for display purposes only - it always references a row that's not being updated from the current panel. The display control when you select Related Display field, you need to relate it to the appropriate control. A list of all the controls on the panel marked as display control fields in the Related control field box. Select the control field to which this particular related display is related.

How many scroll levels are available in peoplesoft? –3.

Can we define Child table fields in '0' level? No, Parent tables only can be associated at '0' level.

What is a Command Push button?
Command Push buttons are associated with a record.field, so when the user presses the push buttons, the Application Processor executes any field change Peoplecode associated with that panel control.

What is a menu item and bar name?
There are four types of menu items:-
Panel group: defined only in standard menus
Transfer menu items: defined only in pop-up menus.
Peoplecode and Separator menu items: Available for both pop-up and standard menus.

What is a panel group? or omponent
A panel group represents a complete business transaction. It can be composed of either a single panel or a set of panels that should be processed as if it were one panel. Think of it as paging through several pages of a single display. Panel group control : The grouping of panels and their associated labels on a cascading menu - The search record used to retrieve data into the panel - Associated user actions.

What is add mode search record?
When a different search record (other than standard search record) is specified for Add actions to create special security views that limit the rows operators can add based on specific search criteria or to specify a different search record for add actions.

What are the allowed actions in menu?
Add, Update/Display, Update / Display All, Data Entry and Correction.

What is the main difference between 'update/display' and 'update/display all'?
Update / Display - Used to update existing rows only. Update / Display All - Used to update current and future rows in an effective dated record. Only used with effective dated records.

How exactly allowed actions work with 'Effdt' panels?
Action Type View Change Insert New Rows Update / display Current , Future Future only Eff dt > the current row Update / Display all History, Current Future only , , Future Correction History , Current All existing rows Add new rows with no Future Eff dt restrictions.

What is the purpose of access_id?
When you create an operator ID you must assign it an access profile, which specifies an access ID and password. Access ID connects Peoplesoft application(s) with RDBMS, once their password is validated.

What is Operator security and Object security?
Object Security is to control access and update to the people tools objects - record def, menu def, proj def, panel and panel group def, tree structures, trees, import def, translate tables and queries.
Operator Security is to control when each Peoplesoft user can sign on, which People Tools and application menu items they can access, what processes they can run and more.

What is SetID?
SetIDs are the lables used to identify a TableSet. SetId is an additional primary key in control tables, that enables sharing of control table information across business units. All rows of data in your control tables keyed by the same SetID make up a TableSet.

What are the tablesets?
A TableSet is a group of rows across your control tables identified by the same SetID. In other words, all rows of data in your control tables keyed by the same SetID make up a TableSet. Tablesets or group of tables enables sharing of control table information and processing options among business units. For ex., using Tablesets you can define a group of Job Codes that can be shared by different business units.

What is Application processor?
The Application Processor does all the behind scenes (panels) work. Application Processsor - the People Tools online processor, manages the flow of data processing as users enter informatiion on panels - builds SQL statements based on the actions performed on panels - issues INSERT, DELETE and UPDATE statements to maintain data on the database and SELECT statements to retrieve data.