PeopleSoft Workflow



Workflow capabilities enable you to efficiently automate the flow of information throughout your enterprise—crossing both application and functional boundaries.

Components of Workflow

 Rules: Rules are your company's business practices captured in    software. Rules determine what activities are required to process     your business data
 Roles: Roles describe how people fit into the workflow. A role is   a class of users who perform the same type of work
Routings: Routings connect the activities in the workflow. They   are the system's means of moving information from one place to  another, from one step to the next

 Eight Steps of Developing Workflows
ü   Design Workflow Application
ü   Build the underlying Application
ü   Create Workflow maps
ü   Define Roles and Users
ü   Create Worklist Records
ü   Define Workflow Objects
ü   Define Event Triggers
ü   Test

Route controls  identify the aspects of a situation on which you want to base routing decisions, and they enable you to associate values with role users.

Approval processes
Approval processes are a very common form of business process, and you can define approval rules on an Approval Rule Set map.

Two tools can read and implement the approval rules from the map:
·         Virtual Approver automatically tracks the approval process. As users complete transactions that require approvals, Virtual Approver determines the appropriate approver and sends a workflow routing. As each approver completes the approval, Virtual Approver determines whether additional approvals are needed and, if necessary, sends additional workflow routings.
·         GetApprovers PeopleCode determines the entire list of required approvals at once, so that you can develop custom approval tracking applications.